68 pages 2 hours read

Mary E. Pearson

Dance of Thieves

Fiction | Novel | YA | Published in 2018

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Chapters 37-42

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 37 Summary: “Jase”

Jase confronts Jalaine in his study. He removes her from her arena position because her mistake almost killed them. She’s the only one who could’ve told Fertig about the trail Jase would be riding. He asks if Fertig knew about the Ballengers taking a shorthorn from the settlement for trespassing, and Jalaine swears she thought Fertig loved her. Jase holds her while she sobs. When Jalaine calms, Jase has her make a list of everyone Fertig talked to. Jase orders her to come to dinner, look at everyone that got hurt, and reflect on what might’ve been lost because of her.

Chapter 38 Summary: “Kazi”

Kazi is thankful everyone came back from the ride alive. She spots a man matching Illarion's description hurrying into Darkcottage. She searches Darkcottage with Wren and Synové but finds nothing besides a new smell. At the back door, ghosts tell her to leave and Death weeps, his arms full.

Kazi finds Jase searching for clothes. He holds up his broken hand and asks for help. She kisses him and looks for a shirt. Jase feels guilty Kazi’s mother doesn’t know she’s injured. Kazi feels guilty for lying and kisses him to distract him.

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