68 pages 2 hours read

Mary E. Pearson

Dance of Thieves

Fiction | Novel | YA | Published in 2018

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Chapters 13-18

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 13 Summary: “Kazi”

Kazi’s mother never discussed Kazi’s father. She emigrated to Sanctum City while pregnant and settled in a hovel in the Brightmist quarter. When Vendans asked the meaning of Kazi’s name, her mother would make one up. Kazi tries to alleviate Jase’s suspicions by talking about her life as a soldier. She was small so had to work twice as hard to prove herself. Most nights she snuck off to her hidden passage under the stairs. Queen Lia joined Kazi once; she also used to go there when she was afraid. The queen fears people forgetting the war. Kazi tells Jase a friend taught her juggling, even though she taught herself from desperation. Kazi knew Wren and Synové from the streets, and they came to the palace a few months after Kazi and they all trained together ever since. Kazi hopes they are safe in Tor’s Watch.

Jase tells more stories of Tor’s Watch and legends. Kazi plies Jase with questions and learns Tor’s Watch is a complex of homes and buildings that houses the Ballenger’s offices. Their income comes from multiple sources including the trading arena that attracts traders from all over. Whenever Kazi senses Jase is getting suspicious of her, she changes the topic.

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