68 pages 2 hours read

Mary E. Pearson

Dance of Thieves

Fiction | Novel | YA | Published in 2018

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Chapters 31-36

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 31 Summary: “Jase”

Jase and his brothers believe they were framed for the attack on the Vendan settlement to turn the kingdoms against them. Titus wants to check with the Previzi drivers, but Jase knows their goods are bought and sold discreetly so the questions are better left unasked.

Jase marks out settlements with Caemus. Caemus stops when they stake out four houses because that’s what they had at the old settlement, but Jase brought enough lumber for seven and lays them out himself. Jase teaches an unwilling Kerry to dig fenceposts and learns he can’t read. While washing up at the river, the tension is obvious between the Vendans and Ballengers. Caemus mentions the Ballenger burial site as a peace offering. Jase explains its tradition and asks about Vendan traditions in return.

Chapter 32 Summary: “Kazi”

The Vendans sit on one side and the Ballengers on the other during dinner. Kazi encourages Gunner to talk to Jurga, a Vendan settler he's attracted to. Kazi asks a Vendan boy to play a song and she and Jase dance. They kiss as others dance. Later, Kazi can’t sleep so Jase asks for a riddle, and they kiss again. Kazi is surprised Jase doesn’t leave the next morning but starts a root cellar-digging competition between the brothers.

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