68 pages 2 hours read

Mary E. Pearson

Dance of Thieves

Fiction | Novel | YA | Published in 2018

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Chapters 25-30

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 25 Summary: “Jase”

Garvin’s whistle signals Jase to the apothecary where his brothers capture Wren and Synové. Kazi reminds Jase of their first meeting, embraces him, and promises to give the people a show of affection to erase the image of him on his knees in Hell's Mouth if he treats her friends as guests. If he doesn’t agree, Kazi will bring him to his knees again and bring down the Ballenger dynasty. They argue until Kazi promises her friends will come to the Ballenger party. Jase tells his brothers to escort them as guests to the Ballenger Inn, agrees to remove Kazi’s tails, and they kiss.

Kazi goes back to Tor’s Watch while Jase, Priya, and Mason talk with Garvin. Garvin recognizes Kazi's face from Brightmist, the worst quarter in Sanctum City, but can’t place her yet. Priya wonders why Jase hired another cook. Jase found a couple at the gate and hired them as cooks for Kazi because sage cakes were the woman’s specialty. Priya mentions Kazi doesn’t think Jase cares for her. Jase is upset and Priya tells him to be careful. Mason goes to fetch the Rahtan for the party as Jase goes to meet with an ambassador at the arena.

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