68 pages 2 hours read

Mary E. Pearson

Dance of Thieves

Fiction | Novel | YA | Published in 2018

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Chapters 19-24

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 19 Summary: “Jase”

Jase calls a family meeting and tells them about what happened during his absence. The Ballengers are wary of Kazi, so two guards are posted outside her room. Jase plans to ask how she got his ring. Priya thinks Kazi should summon Queen Lia with a letter to acknowledge the legitimacy of the Ballenger claim. When word came of the new treaties between the other Kingdoms, Jase advised his father to speak to the new queen in Venda. His father insisted the Ballengers were the first kingdom on the continent, and that he would bow to no one; he wanted Queen Lia to come to Tor’s Watch. Karsen thought the insult of her not coming made him look weak, so his deathbed request was to ensure she visited to acknowledge their kingdom. Jase thinks the Ballengers don’t need the queen and will stay strong as always. Priya reminds him of Gunner’s promise to the people and Jase yells at him for setting this expectation. Gunner thinks the people watched Kazi bring Jase to his knees and needed a reason to believe in him.

Jase's brother Aram brings up Captain Beaufort Illarion’s promises; the Ballengers are harboring the former Watch Captain.

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