76 pages 2 hours read

Phyllis Reynolds Naylor


Fiction | Novella | Middle Grade | Published in 1991

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Discussion/Analysis Prompt

Throughout the novel, Marty wrestles with ethical dilemmas that are in opposition of lawful conduct. Consider the moral dilemmas and character attributes of Marty. Use these points as you reflect on the text to answer the question.

  • What moral dilemmas is Marty forced to confront in the novel?
  • How are Marty’s moral dilemmas connected to his character and beliefs?
  • Which of Marty’s qualities serve him well while he attempts to acquire ownership of Shiloh?
  • What qualities might Marty still need to develop as he grows? 

Teaching Suggestion: Students may find it beneficial to analyze Marty’s moral dilemmas in small groups because they cover a majority of the novel. It may be helpful for students to list dilemmas in the novel and compare those dilemmas to Marty’s individual attributes in order to conduct a thorough analysis. After comparing the two, it might be useful to students to then consider the consequences of Marty’s decisions regarding his moral conflict.

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