55 pages 1 hour read

Louise Penny

All the Devils are Here

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 2020

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Chapters 36-45

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 36 Summary

Armand meets with Claude Dussault. Claude admits to being involved in the attack on Stephen, but he also hints that there is more to the story Armand doesn’t know or understand. He tells Armand that SecurForte has Daniel, that if Armand doesn’t give over what Stephen has, he and his family are in grave danger. Armand tells Claude the truth: that he genuinely doesn’t know what it is that Stephen has that is so valuable to GHS. Claude brings him to Stephen’s apartment, where Daniel is held at gunpoint by four men, including Xavier Loiselle.

Chapter 37 Summary

Armand is brought to his knees in front of Daniel. They search him for a gun, and when Claude seems surprised that Armand is unarmed, Armand realizes that Claude must have been the one to plant the gun in Armand’s apartment. Thierry Girard, Claude’s former second-in-command at the Prefecture now in charge of SecurForte, mocks Armand’s situation. He commands Daniel to tell his father what he found out at the bank. Daniel tells Armand that Stephen had recently put an order to buy the stocks of two of GHS’s important smaller companies, one of which dealt with ore. Armand connects the dots between ore and neodymium, then remembers that Daniel still has the coins they thought were glued together in his coat pocket.

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