49 pages 1 hour read

Sadeqa Johnson

Yellow Wife

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 2021

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The Pervasive Trauma of Enslavement

Psychologists and social scientists are only just now beginning to understand the pervasive nature of trauma as a result of enslavement. Intergenerational trauma is a term used to describe the way in which trauma is passed on and inherited over time. The American Psychological Association defines intergenerational trauma as “a phenomenon in which the descendants of a person who has experienced a terrifying event show adverse emotional and behavioral reactions to the event that are similar to those of the person himself or herself” (Assare, Janice Gassam. “3 Ways Intergenerational Trauma Still Impacts the Black Community Today.” Forbes, 2022). Dr. Joy Degruy Leary, researcher and professor at Portland State University, argues in her 2005 book Post Traumatic Slave Syndrome that a history of enslavement continues to impact the self-esteem and health outcomes of Black individuals in the United States today.

Sadeqa Johnson shows how pervasive the trauma of slavery is through her characters. The characters, including the white enslavers, are affected by the trauma of slavery. Pheby experiences a quick succession of traumatic events—the loss of her mother, Essex, and Essex’s son. She endures sexual, verbal, and physical abuse. Although she tries to shield her children from trauma, she cannot.

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