58 pages 1 hour read

Lily King

Writers and Lovers

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 2020

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Chapters 47-54

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 47 Summary

Adam, Caleb, and Casey go to the beach to spread the remainder of Casey’s mother’s ashes. Casey can’t get herself to toss the ashes, so she keeps her half while Caleb lets go of his. They eat lunch at the clam shack, and Casey remembers eating there with her mother years ago and her mother trying to explain why she left her for so long. Casey wishes she could have expressed her feelings back then, believing that she never learned nor figured out how to say what she’s truly feeling. Caleb stays with Adam longer than planned, ignoring the messages from his partner Phil. Casey continues her search for an affordable apartment and gets an interview with a school in New Hampshire, but she doesn’t go through with it when she sees how gothic and gloomy it is.

Casey doesn’t like whatever is going on between Adam and Caleb, and she wishes she could call her mother about it. She tries to ignore thinking about it by reading and is thrilled to find Caleb knocking on her door, waking her up. It’s the first time in a long time Casey has had to be awoken and the first time in a while that she’s fallen asleep with a book, like she used to.

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By Lily King