66 pages 2 hours read

Janet Fitch

White Oleander

Fiction | Novel | YA | Published in 1999

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Character Analysis


Astrid is the protagonist and narrator of White Oleander. The story is told from her perspective and begins when she is 12 years old and still living with her mother. Astrid depends heavily on her mother at this point, as she is the only person she has to rely on. She craves Ingrid’s attention, carefully follows her moods, and listens to her thoughts on life. Unfortunately, Ingrid does not offer her daughter the same level of attention and care: “So often when I was with her, she was unreachable. Whenever she turned her steep focus to me, I felt the warmth that flowers must feel when they bloom through the snow, under the first concentrated rays of the sun” (8). On top of this, Astrid lives in her mother’s shadow, never fully realizing who she is or what she is capable of until she is separated from her when Ingrid goes to prison. Astrid remains heavily dependent on the attention of others, and her mother points this out in a patronizing way: “You’ll attach yourself to anyone who shows you the least bit of attention, won’t you?” (168). Astrid is as naïve as any girl her age would be, and when she begins an illegal relationship with Ray, she sees it as romantic and loving, despite her mother’s warnings to stay away from him.