94 pages 3 hours read

Linda Sue Park

When My Name Was Keoko

Fiction | Novel | YA | Published in 2002

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Chapters 15-20

Chapter 15 Summary: “Sun-hee”

Tae-yul is angry at Sun-hee. He shouts and grabs her by the arm. He is upset that Sun-hee informed Uncle to leave, since Tae-yul believes Uncle was not in danger. Sun-hee begins to think that Tomo was warning her about the metal and not about Uncle. Abuji intervenes but Tae-yul is furious, which causes Sun-hee to cry. Abuji tries to comfort her by explaining that the Japanese would have inevitably discovered and imprisoned Uncle, and that warning him was the right thing to do. Tae-yul disagrees. Tae-yul and Uncle have shared their bedroom since Sun-hee was born, which explains why Tae-yul feels so connected to him. Sun-hee goes to the bedroom she shares with her parents and cries. She feels guilty, and Omoni tries to console her, but she feels even worse. She admits she wanted to feel like a hero and save Uncle rather than thinking through the risks.

Chapter 16 Summary: “Tae-yul”

A “neighborhood accounting” escalates when soldiers announce there is “a traitor” and conduct a house-to-house search. They are looking for Uncle, whose shop they have raided and who they have declared as a “criminal” (99). Looking for information, the soldiers take Abuji into the police station for further questioning.

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By Linda Sue Park