69 pages 2 hours read

Karen M. McManus

Two Can Keep a Secret

Fiction | Novel | YA | Published in 2019

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Chapters 33-38

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 33 Summary: “Malcolm—Thursday, October 10”

Malcolm is at Declan’s place laying low. He is irritated that Katrin has been put up in a four-star hotel, and he’s having trouble coming to terms with witnessing Declan and Daisy as a couple. Officer Rodriguez arrives to interrogate Declan, who reluctantly agrees. On the night of Brooke’s disappearance, Declan was with Daisy. After several more questions, Officer Rodriguez produces Declan’s class ring and says it was found on Brooke’s body; Declan refuses to answer more questions, and Rodriguez leaves without making an arrest.

Declan explains that Lacey had the ring when he last saw it, and though Daisy believes him, Malcolm is unsure. He has always had a strained relationship with his brother, and he is reluctant to accept this explanation as a result. This reaction angers Declan, who tells Malcolm to leave.

Chapter 34 Summary: “Ellery—Thursday, October 10”

Ellery and Malcolm are hanging out at Malcolm’s house, trying to puzzle out this new information. Malcolm floats the idea that Declan may have been secretly dating Brooke, which Ellery dismisses. She also thinks the class ring is too convenient and wonders why Declan and Daisy would help the police track down Lacey’s bracelet if they were also conspiring to murder Brooke. She suspects it’s a setup.

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