69 pages 2 hours read

Karen M. McManus

Two Can Keep a Secret

Fiction | Novel | YA | Published in 2019

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Chapters 25-27

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 25 Summary: “Ellery—Friday, October 4”

Ellery heads to the House of Horrors in the early afternoon to get to the bottom of Brooke’s lockpicking attempt. She makes up a lie about accidentally putting cash in the recycling bin, but her co-worker doesn’t have the key, so she’s forced to try and pick the lock herself. She succeeds and takes the contents of the recycling bin to Mia’s to sort through. Malcolm reveals that the police want to see his phone; there’s nothing incriminating on it about Brooke, but he’s worried that the texts with his brother will face undue scrutiny, as the local newspaper has continued to speculate about Declan’s involvement.

The night before, Ellery made a timeline of events for both Sarah’s disappearance and Lacey’s murder. When Ezra saw it, he pointed out that Sadie was in Echo Ridge for their grandfather’s funeral roughly nine months before the twins were born. This revelation troubles Ellery, as the story Sadie tells of their birth father always seemed sketchy.

This is what she’s thinking about when they find a bill for car repairs. The car listed is Katrin’s BMW, and though there’s a fake name listed, the contact number is Brooke’s cell phone.

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