69 pages 2 hours read

Karen M. McManus

Two Can Keep a Secret

Fiction | Novel | YA | Published in 2019

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Chapters 20-24

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 20 Summary: “Malcolm—Monday, September 30”

Malcolm has become the school pariah, as students assume the worst about his connection to Brooke’s disappearance. Mia is defensive on his behalf on the way to lunch, and they sit in the corner. When Malcolm sees Ellery, he remembers how much it stung that she was suspicious of him, but he is relieved when she rejects Katrin’s invitation to sit at her table and sits with Mia and Malcolm instead.

After school, Malcolm and the twins head to Mia’s house, where they talk about what Brooke said the night of her disappearance. They also discuss Vance, who seems connected even though he was locked up that night, and briefly consider that the police might be part of a conspiracy. Daisy comes downstairs and heads out, and Mia decides that they need to follow her to find out why she’s going to a therapist. The group tails Daisy to an apartment in Solsbury, a neighboring town. To Malcolm’s surprise, Daisy is greeted with a passionate kiss by Declan.

Chapter 21 Summary: “Ellery—Monday, September 30”

After seeing Declan, the group heads to the nearest restaurant to debrief, and it happens to be a Chuck E. Cheese. They play foosball and talk about why Declan and Daisy would keep their relationship a secret.

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