69 pages 2 hours read

Karen M. McManus

Two Can Keep a Secret

Fiction | Novel | YA | Published in 2019

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Chapters 15-19

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 15 Summary: “Ellery—Sunday, September 29”

On Sunday morning, Ellery and Ezra are looking at Vance’s pictures in Sadie’s yearbook. They ask Nana about him, and she says she knew he wouldn’t last; she also says that Sarah didn’t go to homecoming before remarking that Officer Rodriguez is outside.

He comes inside, glad to see Ellery, and tells them that Brooke Bennett didn’t make it home the night before. Nana becomes upset that another girl is missing. Ellery is torn but knows what she has to do: Tell them that Malcolm is the last person who saw Brooke.

Chapter 16 Summary: “Malcolm—Sunday, September 29”

Malcolm wakes up to see Officer McNulty questioning Katrin about Brooke’s disappearance. Katrin says she texted with Brooke the night before, but that was all. Malcolm realizes with horror that he is about to repeat the same conversation that Declan had with McNulty about Lacey’s disappearance. 

Chapter 17 Summary: “Ellery—Sunday, September 29”

Ellery and Officer Rodriguez move into the kitchen, and Ellery recalls everything she can about the previous night. She repeats as much of the conversation as she remembers and mentions of the paperclip. When she comes to Malcolm giving Brooke a ride home, she makes a point to say that the ride wasn’t planned; this information piques Officer Rodriguez’s interest until she reiterates that it was pure chance that Brooke needed a ride home from Malcolm.

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