110 pages 3 hours read

Peter Brown

The Wild Robot

Fiction | Novel | Middle Grade | Published in 2016

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Character Analysis


ROZZUM unit 7134, known as Roz, is the main character of the story. Built to perform a variety of menial tasks, Roz is a resourceful robot. Her internal software is sophisticated enough to give her the capacity to learn and improve on her performance based on her experiences. This is vital to Roz’s survival when she finds herself activated on an island with no human inhabitants. Her primary objective at the beginning of the story is to protect her body from harm and remain functional. Since she is completely on her own, Roz must be creative and determined.

As the story progresses, Roz evolves tremendously. She becomes intent on ensuring the survival and well-being of her adopted son, an orphaned gosling. Roz also begins to devote a great deal of time and effort to helping the animals of the island, giving them shelter, safety, and food. In doing so, Roz becomes “wild,” meaning she becomes like the animals, a part of life on the island. Roz’s experience on the island promotes the fundamental question of the story: can a robot, the most artificial being imaginable, exist in the wilderness? Roz proves that a robot can not only live in the wilderness but adapt and thrive there.

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