110 pages 3 hours read

Peter Brown

The Wild Robot

Fiction | Novel | Middle Grade | Published in 2016

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Chapters 21-30

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 21 Summary: “The Introduction”

There is an hour early every morning, called the Dawn Truce, during which all the animals on the island agree not to hunt or hurt others. Most gather in the Great Meadow.

A large group meets to discuss Roz. Swooper the owl claims that she saw a mysterious creature that might have been the shiny monster. Swooper reports that the monster was talking to itself, saying “Hello, my name is Roz” over and over, in the accent of many different animals. Swooper points to a grass-covered lump.

The “lump” moves. Roz introduces herself in the animals’ language. Swooper screeches that it is the monster. Roz explains that she is a robot, not a monster. The animals panic and many leave the meadow.

Fink the fox asks what Roz wants from them. Roz replies that she wants the animals to teach her their survival techniques. Digdown the groundhog cries that Roz wants to eat them. Roz explains that she does not need food. Fink tells Roz to hunt for him and does not want the berries she offers. All the animals leave the meadow.

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