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The Story of the Jews

Simon Schama

Plot Summary

The Story of the Jews

Simon Schama

Nonfiction | Book | Adult | Published in 2013

Plot Summary
The Story of the Jews is a three-part book series by British historian and documentary maker Simon Schama comprising Finding the Words 1000BCE-1492CE (2013), Belonging: The Story of the Jews 1492-1900 (2017), and a forthcoming third volume. Based on rigorous and modern factual analysis, the series traces the evolution of Jewish thought, tradition, and religious allegory through the Biblical era to the 21st century. Through this analysis, Schama shows that the contributions of the Jewish people were instrumental in the evolution of modernity. He also tracks the recurrence of anti-Semitism, showing that it persists in subtle forms in the present day, and extolling Jews’ enduring resilience and hope. The first volume of the series was adapted into a 2013 television series of the same name.

Schama begins The Story of the Jews about 3,000 years ago, with the advent of a tribal population in the area now called Israel and Palestine. To understand their world and the hidden God they believed to preside over their land, Jewish intellectuals wrote the first Hebrew Bible. As more Jews adopted the written word, the text became a common basis for understanding and communicating about humanity—at least, the region of humanity that they knew. This text and other foundational religious texts have helped Jews for three millennia in enduring invasion, war, oppression, xenophobia, enslavement, assimilation, exile, and genocide. Schama follows the early Jewish people through several early diverging and converging moments, including the pagan mercenary tribes of Egypt, the story of Moses, the appearance of the Messianic Jews and their portent of an apocalypse, and the Romans’ destruction of the Jews’ High Temple in Jerusalem, which many viewed as the apocalypse itself.

Schama then shifts to the medieval period, following the Jewish people as they struggled to retain their cultural identity under constant existential threats. Followers of both Christianity and Islam persecuted them: to the former, they were known as “Christ-killers,” while the latter used the derogatory label “dhimmi,” meaning outsiders. Diaspora Jews sought to build better lives outside of the Middle East. Indeed, this period gave rise to Jewish populations all around the world that still exist today. Various new Jewish subcultures appeared in areas ranging from Morocco and Spain to Poland. In time, these groups would radiate further, to the Americas. Schama contends that Jewish history was not entirely fraught with persecution: periods of peaceful coexistence with other cultures existed at many points throughout the millennia.

Schama continues The Story of the Jews into the humanist Renaissance and, thereafter, the Enlightenment, showing how these movements were led in no small part by Jewish intellectuals and artists. The Jewish people made exceptional contributions to music, as shown by the legacies of musicians such as Felix Mendelssohn and Giacomo Meyerbeer. At the same time, anti-Semitism continued to rear its ugly head. Calls to establish a Jewish state began to appear with the formation of modern geopolitics. Proponents of this idea believed that without their own homeland, Jews would never escape persecution. Schama concludes his second volume with a summary of the early and mid-modern Jewish diaspora in Eastern Europe, in which the seeds of his own cultural heritage were sown.

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