73 pages 2 hours read

James Dashner

The Scorch Trials

Fiction | Novel | YA | Published in 2010

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Character Analysis


Thomas is a quick-witted teenager with natural leadership skills. Often somber, yet focused, Thomas seems to carry the weight of the world on his shoulders. Though he tries his best to stay out of the leadership role, it is clear from his actions and the respect he receives from his peers that he could easily be the leader of the Gladers if he wanted to. It is also revealed that Thomas is the top Candidate for WICKED, though no one knows what this means. Thomas has worked for WICKED in the past, and spends most of his time trying to understand his role within WICKED and the Maze creation. He is closest to Teresa, whom he communicates with telepathically. He soon finds that Teresa is not the only person he can communicate with in this way, and also must make a life-changing decision regarding Teresa in The Scorch Trials.


Teresa is the beautiful and enigmatic girl who changed the Gladers’ lives forever. She is smart, witty and can think on her feet, like her best friend Thomas. Teresa worked alongside Thomas for WICKED, and she also spends a great deal of time trying to discover her role in the events before the Maze.

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By James Dashner