73 pages 2 hours read

James Dashner

The Scorch Trials

Fiction | Novel | YA | Published in 2010

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Important Quotes

Quotation Mark Icon

“Thomas knew what he thought. Those images would never leave—the Gladers would be haunted by the horrible things that had happened in the Maze for the rest of their lives. He figured that most if not all of them would have major psychological problems. Maybe even go completely nutso.”

(Chapter 1, Page 2)

Though the Gladers have been rescued, Thomas knows that the horrendous events they endured in the Maze will live with them all for the rest of their lives. In this sense, peace is a fleeting luxury.

Quotation Mark Icon

“Maybe this was worse. When they’d settled into bed last night, everything had seemed good and safe. Yeah, maybe this was worse, to have that suddenly taken away.”

(Chapter 3, Page 10)

This quote again addresses the psychological impact of betrayal and manipulation. Thomas wonders if the Gladers might have been better off with no hope than with the false hope created by their fake rescue.

Quotation Mark Icon

‘“You’re subject A-five and they called you the Glue.’ Newt gave him a startled look. ‘The Glue?’ Thomas let go of his shirt and stepped back. ‘Yeah. Probably because you're kind of the glue that holds us all together.’”

(Chapter 6, Page 31)

The Gladers realize that they all have been branded with tattoos that identify who they are in relation to the group. These tattoos show just how deceptive WICKED is, in that the boys did not have them the night before. The tattoos are synonymous as well with a label placed on a piece of property, or cattle branding, highlighting that they are just “property” in the eyes of WICKED.

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By James Dashner