73 pages 2 hours read

James Dashner

The Scorch Trials

Fiction | Novel | YA | Published in 2010

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Chapters 5-8

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 5 Summary

Instinctively, Thomas sees that Aris is not lying about being rescued, and also feels that the boy does not know anything about Teresa. He and Newt tell Aris that they all need to talk as it appears that they have just come from similar places and have had similar experiences. Though he wants to talk with the new kid, Thomas tells the Gladers that they have to find Teresa. Minho tells Thomas that they have searched everywhere, and that there is no other door or room in the place. In disbelief, Thomas leaves the room to search for Teresa. The sickening smell of the dead bodies almost causes him to throw up, and for a brief moment, he fears that Teresa’s body might be among them. He manages to search the bodies and finds that she is not there. Thomas is perplexed at finding no hidden doors or any other place for Teresa to have been taken to, and returns to the girls’ dorm where the others are waiting, dejected.

Aris explains to the Gladers that he was thrown into a gigantic maze with about fifty girls, and that his

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By James Dashner