73 pages 2 hours read

James Dashner

The Scorch Trials

Fiction | Novel | YA | Published in 2010

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Chapters 46-49

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 46 Summary

On the way to Group B’s camp, Thomas learns the names of two of the girls, Sonya and Harriet. Thomas figures out that Sonya and Harriet must have been in charge of Group B until Teresa arrived. When they arrive at camp, Thomas realizes that only three girls were left behind, and thinks it strange and silly that Group B needed almost every member and all of their weapons to kidnap him. Teresa tells the girls to tie Thomas up to a tree and to feed him so that he does not keep them up with his complaining. Though Teresa told Thomas to trust him previously, her behavior is starting to annoy him more and more. Thinking about her actions, Thomas wonders if she is really acting for his benefit, pretending to care about him but really wanting to harm him. Suddenly, he remembers the dorm room and Teresa’s nickname: The Betrayer. Thomas realizes that, ultimately, WICKED is in charge, and wonders if Teresa will indeed kill him if WICKED has commanded it.

Thomas notices that both Harriet and Sonya continue to glance at him, and he attempts to plead with them, telling them both about the guilt they will feel if they kill him.

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By James Dashner