73 pages 2 hours read

James Dashner

The Scorch Trials

Fiction | Novel | YA | Published in 2010

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Chapters 35-37

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 35 Summary

Thomas awakes from a bad dream. Brenda tells him more about WICKED and the current situation in the world, how the surviving countries have pulled together to create a government and form WICKED, and how WICKED has slowed the virus down, but hasn’t stopped it. She also tells Thomas about the numbing agent, known as the Bliss, which only the wealthiest people can afford. The drug slows the Flare down because it numbs the brain, and the Flare thrives on brain activity. Thomas realizes that there is something important, perhaps even crucial, to what Brenda is saying about the numbing agent and the Flare, but he has too many questions to focus on just one.

After taking in all of the new information, Thomas finally dozes off again and dreams. In this dream, he and Teresa are eavesdropping on a man and woman’s conversation. They are talking about Variables, the end of the Maze Trials and betrayal; all of it is confusing to Thomas. The woman then wonders aloud how much the kids will be able to endure before going crazy on their own.

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By James Dashner