73 pages 2 hours read

James Dashner

The Scorch Trials

Fiction | Novel | YA | Published in 2010

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Chapters 25-28

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 25 Summary

Having made it to relative safety, Thomas and the other Gladers now sit in the dark building, dejected, as the rain falls. No one tries counting to see how many of the Gladers have made it. Listening to the rain, Thomas is able to fall asleep. When he awakens, Thomas finds that he can hear again, as evidenced by the sighs of pain he hears coming from Minho. The rain is still falling, and in the dark, Thomas once again falls asleep. He is awakened by sunlight and hunger. Talking with Newt, Thomas wonders if it might be better to die than to go on living as they are. Newt dismisses this thought, though Thomas remains troubled by the idea. He then tells Newt about Minho being hit by a lightning bolt. Minho finally wakes and is able to sit up, though he is still in pain from his injuries.

Thomas counts the remaining Gladers and finds that only eleven of them are left after the lightning storm. Thinking about the fact that, at one point, there had been fifty or sixty of them, Thomas wonders how he could have ever worked for

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