58 pages 1 hour read

W. Somerset Maugham

The Razor's Edge

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 1944

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Part 5

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Part 5, Chapters 1-3 Summary

Larry remains in Paris, and he, Maugham, and the Maturins spend a great deal of time together. Maugham believes it is Larry’s presence that makes the time so idyllic. Larry says very little, but he radiates a peace and happiness that makes everything around him seem golden. They are out driving when Maugham notices Isabel staring, riveted, at Larry’s exposed wrist resting on the back of the seat in front of her. She is frozen with desire. After a few minutes, she shudders, collapses into the corner of the seat, and asks Maugham for a cigarette.

Isabel wants to tour the dives of Paris. They are drinking at a café when a very drunk woman approaches them and greets them by name. It is Sophie, whom Maugham met 10 years ago at a party with Isabel and her friends. She is wearing thick makeup and dirty clothes, and Maugham suspects she is also “doped.” Nevertheless, he feels there is something attractive about her “bold-faced shamelessness.” As they talk with her, Larry watches her soberly.

After Sophie leaves, Isabel tells Maugham that Sophie had married and had a baby but that her husband and child died in a car accident. Sophie, who survived the crash, was so distraught that she began to drink alcohol and, when inebriated, have frequent indiscriminate sex.

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