89 pages 2 hours read

Kate Moore

The Radium Girls: The Dark Story of America’s Shining Women

Nonfiction | Book | Adult | Published in 2017

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Part 2, Chapters 37-40

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Part 2: “Power”

Chapter 37 Summary

After a stumble which hurts her knee, Katherine Schaub discovers that she has a sarcoma in her leg and has to wear a metal brace indefinitely. She takes this news badly, and her mental health takes a turn for the worse, leading her to drink. The women become more resistant to their appointments, and refuse some of the treatments ordered by Ewing and Craver.

Irene Corby La Porte, who has worked with Grace during the war, is soon admitted to the hospital after Dr. Humphries finds a sarcoma in her pelvis. Martland soon writes about these sarcomas, which usually appear years after exposure to radium, and come on suddenly. On her deathbed on May 4, Irene files a claim against USRC, willing to settle. She dies June 16. 

Chapter 38 Summary

One day, Radium Dial executives pay a visit to the studio where Catherine Wolfe is working. Mr. Reed summons Catherine to his office, where Radium Dial president and vice president Kelly and Fordyce are waiting. Mr. Reed tells Catherine that due to her limp, he must let her go, as it is causing “talk” around Ottawa.

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