89 pages 2 hours read

Kate Moore

The Radium Girls: The Dark Story of America’s Shining Women

Nonfiction | Book | Adult | Published in 2017

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Part 1, Chapters 20-25

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Part 1: “Knowledge”

Chapter 20 Summary

When Grace Fryer receives her diagnosis, she remembers von Sochocky’s warning not to lip-point. When she asks him why he didn’t do anything more to stop the practice, he says half-heartedly that he tried. Von Sochocky soon is tested, too, and is found to have very high levels of radium in his system.

When Quinta and Grace look into suing USRC over damages, they run into a wall when they learn that the statute of limitations has already expired (5 months for state courts and 2 years for federal), since it has been six years since Quinta had worked at the firm. Lawyers they approach refuse to take on the case, thinking the legal hurdles impossible and their opponent formidable. Thanks in part to the suppression of the Drinker report, studies on radium poisoning have only been available for a few weeks.

Katherine and Martland compile a list of all the women who Katherine remembers at the factory, as well as whether they have become sick or died. Katherine’s physical and mental health deteriorates as her diagnosis sinks in, and she is committed to a hospital later that year. Meanwhile, Marguerite deteriorates further, and Albina gives birth.

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