57 pages 1 hour read

John Steinbeck

The Pearl

Fiction | Novella | YA | Published in 1947

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Chapters 3-4

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 3 Summary

News of Kino’s discovery spreads quickly through the town, reaching the beggars, the priest, the doctor, and others. When the doctor hears the news, he claims that Kino is one of his clients and dreams of returning to Paris, where he once lived. As the townspeople hear about the pearl, they are filled with greed and begin to plot against Kino.

Kino’s neighbors visit him and his family. When Juan Tomás asks Kino what he will do with his newfound wealth, Kino explains that he and Juana will buy new clothes and marry in the church, a privilege previously denied them. He adds that he will buy a rifle, which was unthinkable before. Most importantly, he plans to send Coyotito to school so that he can learn to read, write, and do math.

The priest arrives, and Kino hears the Song of Evil faintly. The priest reminds Kino that he is named after a priest and encourages him to thank God for the pearl. After the priest leaves, Kino’s neighbors return to their homes.

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