47 pages 1 hour read

John Scalzi

The Kaiju Preservation Society

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 2022

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Chapters 8-14

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 8 Summary

During Gold Team’s orientation meeting, MacDonald distributes binders of scientific information about the kaiju to Aparna, Niamh, and Kahurangi. When Kahurangi notices his binder is smaller than the others’, MacDonald explains that there are fewer geological and paleontological findings because the research is dangerous. She reveals that their last geologist left after having two limbs ripped off and reattached. MacDonald gives Jamie the largest of the four binders, which includes everything about Tanaka Base’s systems and operations. Later, Jamie shares the information in the binder with Aparna, Niamh, and Kahurangi. When Kahurangi asks why they do not bring livestock for meat, Aparna explains that such animals could carry diseases that may infect the kaiju. Kahurangi says he hopes the KPS will start preserving kaiju soon.

Chapter 9 Summary

Jamie settles into a routine, filling requests and lifting and delivering things. In the dining hall one morning, Jamie asks why Tom drinks hot coffee when Kaiju Earth is so hot. He says he has gotten used to the climate and that Jamie will too. Tom assigns Jamie to deliver canisters from the chem lab to helicopter pilot Martin Satie. At the chem lab, Jamie meets with Kahurangi and his Blue Team partner who are creating mating pheromones.

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By John Scalzi

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John Scalzi

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John Scalzi