57 pages 1 hour read

Chandler Baker

The Husbands: A Novel

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 2021

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Genre Context: Feminist Thrillers

The feminist thriller is a recent subgenre of the psychological thriller and focuses on female characters who “exemplify the remarkable strength of mothers, of women in general, who not only survive, but thrive, despite all obstacles” (Murphy, Nora. “A List of Feminist Thrillers.” CrimeReads, 31 May 2022). Their stories acknowledge the social constraints society often places on women, including the expectation that—in addition to pursuing a profession—they are responsible for the household and children.

Showcasing women’s capabilities is a key aspect of the genre. The protagonists may not always be morally “good,” but they are almost always smart, accomplished, and driven. Community is another important element, and the women in feminist thrillers always help each other either openly or in secret, just like the characters in The Husbands. The shared values of the Dynasty Ranch women allow them to reach their personal and professional goals, achieving more than most of their female peers, and making major discoveries in their respective fields. Feminist thrillers always contain an element of social commentary: The Husbands emphasizes the negative effects of persistent gender inequities on its characters’ physical and mental health, which lead them to unethical medical practices and murder.

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