86 pages 2 hours read

T. J. Klune

The House in the Cerulean Sea

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 2020

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Exam Questions

Multiple Choice and Long Answer questions create ideal opportunities for whole-text review, unit exam, or summative assessments.

Multiple Choice

1. Which is the most accurate description of how Linus changes during the novel?

A) He learns to value the opinions of people outside of DICOMY.

B) He learns to be more accepting of children with magical abilities.

C) He becomes less dependent on following rules to feel secure.

D) He becomes more interested in political activism.

2. Which element of Linus’s environment is most clearly an example of foreshadowing?

A) His neighbor

B) His house

C) His cat

D) His mousepad

3. Which of the following does Linus most clearly fear?

A) Magic

B) Ambiguity

C) Solitude

D) Mockery

4. Which most accurately describes Arthur’s attitude toward Linus?

A) Arthur is initially hostile to Linus but gradually warms up to him.

B) Arthur has faith in Linus’s goodness from the beginning.

C) Arthur is intrigued by Linus at first but eventually grows bored with him.

D) Arthur feels a mixture of pity and fondness for Linus throughout the story.

5. Which child’s story most clearly supports the novel’s contention that life experiences can overcome inborn traits?

A) Lucy’s

B) Talia’s

C) Chauncey’s

D) Theodore’s

6. Which of the following statements do the events of the narrative most support?

A) A truly good person will find a way to make a positive contribution to the world regardless of the family they are born into.

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