100 pages 3 hours read

Shirley Jackson

The Haunting Of Hill House

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 1959

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Answer Key

Chapters 1-2

Reading Check

1. 3 months (Chapter 1, Part 1)

2. Dr. Montague plans to investigate and document the paranormal activity of the house and then publish a book about it that will make him famous. (Chapter 1, Part 1)

3. 11 years (Chapter 1, Part 2)

4. Dr. Montague believes that Eleanor may be a magnet for psychic phenomenon due to the strange occurrence of her house being pelted by stones after her father’s death. (Chapter 1, Part 2)

Short Answer

1. Hill House is in perfect condition, unlike the stereotypical haunted house, which is often described as decaying, decrepit, or broken-down. (Chapter 1, Part 1)

2. Eleanor is described as misanthropic, having no friends and an extreme dislike of her sister. (Chapter 1, Part 2)

3. Theodora is described as a social butterfly with psychic abilities. She appears to be a foil to Eleanor: Where Eleanor is isolated and nervous around others, Theodora is charming. (Chapter 1, Part 2)

4. Carrie and her husband dismiss her completely, acting as if she is not there. Carrie does not even consider Eleanor’s point that she owns half the car, and she insults Eleanor by insinuating that she is “running off” with a strange man for improper reasons.

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By Shirley Jackson