32 pages 1 hour read

Octavia E. Butler

The Evening and the Morning and the Night

Fiction | Short Story | YA | Published in 1987

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Essay Topics


At the end of the story, Alan and Lynn have some important decisions about what they will do with their lives and the nature of their relationship. How do you imagine it will unfold? Don’t forget to ground your analysis in textual evidence.


As we have seen, one of the major concerns of the story is the question of free will. Do any of the main characters (Lynn, Alan, and Beatrice) seem to have free will, or are their choices ultimately dictated by their nature as determined by their genetics? What evidence do you see for your view?


To what extent do Naomi and other symptomatic DGDs have free will and the ability to determine how they live their lives? How is this influenced by their care and the kind of institution they find themselves in?

Related Titles

By Octavia E. Butler