111 pages 3 hours read

Reyna Grande

The Distance Between Us

Nonfiction | Autobiography / Memoir | Adult | Published in 2012

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Book 2, Chapters 5-9

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Book 2, Chapter 5 Summary

With Christmas approaching, Reyna and her siblings see an advertisement promising a conversation with Santa Claus. Not knowing that it is an expensive call, they talk to Santa and ask for presents. Reyna wants a pair of skates but doesn’t know the English word. With no money to buy presents for their father and Mila, Reyna and her siblings shoplift from a local grocer. Grande notes, “Nothing seemed good enough for Papi,” and Reyna is distressed when she sees that Carlos is eyeing bottles of alcohol (195). They finally run off with a can of hair spray and a tin of hair polish, knowing that if their father finds out he will send them back to Mexico.

On Christmas day, Reyna does not receive skates; she wonders if Santa knew about her crime. When the phone bill arrives two weeks later, their father is furious. He beats them with his belt and puts a lock on the phone. Mago asks how they can call him in an emergency, but he ignores her.

Book 2, Chapter 6 Summary

Along with the other female students in her class, Reyna watches an instructional video about menstruation. Following the assembly, she receives an instructional pamphlet and a sanitary napkin.

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