96 pages 3 hours read

Walter Isaacson

The Code Breaker: Jennifer Doudna, Gene Editing, and the Future of the Human Race

Nonfiction | Biography | Adult | Published in 2021

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Chapters 28-31

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 28 Summary: “Forming Companies”

Most of the major CRISPR players wanted to companies to commercialize the technology. Andy May, one of Doudna’s business associates at Caribou, suggested Doudna align with Church and possibly Charpentier and Zhang.

Though Doudna was keen to work with Charpentier, Charpentier mistrusted the Boston group of male scientists. Eventually, she and her former boyfriend Roger Novak broke off to form the company CRISPR Therapeutics. In the United States, it seemed that Zhang, Church, and Doudna would come together, despite the rivalries and bitterness. Zhang suggested to Doudna that Berkeley’s intellectual property and potential plans should be pooled with Broad’s, to make it easier for users to license the CRISPR-Cas9 system. However, Doudna felt cagey around Zhang and gave the exclusive license of her IP to Caribou. This decision would “pave the way for an epic patent battle” (207) that would hamper the widespread use of CRISPR technology.

Despite hesitance to pool her IP, by July 2013, Doudna had formed a core group with Zhang and Church, adding Harvard scientists Keith Joung and David Liu to the mix. Their company was called Editas Medicine. In April 2014, only months into Editas, Doudna learned from a reporter that Zhang and Broad had just been granted a patent for using CRISPR-Cas 9 as a gene-editing tool. It was clear to Doudna that Zhang and Broad had pulled strings to get their application fast-tracked. Doudna and Charpentier’s patent, filed earlier, was still pending. Doudna also felt sidelined by the gang of men who dominated Boston’s biotech and finance sector. She decided to quit Editas.

After her Editas misadventure, Doudna was offered a partnership by Charpentier. However, Doudna declined, ultimately opting to work with people she was most comfortable with: Rachel Haurwitz, Rodolphe Barrangou, Erik Sontheimer, and Luciano Marraffini. Not only were they brilliant scientists, but they were also “straight shooters,” in Doudna’s words. Together, they formed Intellia Therapeutics.

Chapter 29 Summary: “Mon Amie”

Doudna’s decision to go with a competing company may have contributed to her cooling relationship with Charpentier, but the two had been drifting apart for a while. When Doudna asked Charpentier to continue working on CRISPR-Cas9 as a gene-editing tool in 2012, Charpentier declined, preferring to work in the realm of pure science. Doudna felt that Charpentier viewed the CRISPR-Cas9 system chiefly as her project, though Doudna was a cofounder. From Charpentier’s point of view, Doudna had hijacked the limelight on CRISPR-Cas9 by focusing exclusively on its gene-editing potential.

Despite their differences, Doudna and Charpentier have been united by acclaim. In 2014, the pair received the glamorous Breakthrough Prize in Life Sciences, which awards $3 million to each recipient. This was followed by the Gainer Award in biomedical science in 2016 and the Kavli Prize in 2018, which they received along with Lithuanian scientist Virginijus Šikšnys.

Chapter 30 Summary: “The Heroes of CRISPR”

A controversial Cell article published by Broad’s Eric Lander further divided the CRISPR camps. Lander’s apparent motive in the article, entitled “The Heroes of CRISPR,” was laudable: He wanted to show that CRISPR was an ensemble act. However, the piece had another cloaked aim—downplaying Doudna’s role in the development of CRISPR-Cas9. Lander’s narrative credited early players like Mojica and celebrated the work of unsung heroes like Šikšnys. It also praised Charpentier’s work in discovering tracrRNA. However, it largely glossed over Doudna’s accomplishments in the field. Moreover, it credited Lander’s protégé Zhang with many breakthroughs while citing little evidence. Though neither Lander nor Cell disclosed it, the Broad Institute was competing with Doudna for patents and prizes.

Doudna refuted the article online in a measured tone. Though Lander told Isaacson that Charpentier had criticized Doudna to him, Charpentier herself posted online that the article was “incomplete and inaccurate.” Church also refuted Lander’s claim that Doudna took information from the preprint he sent her in 2012. Doudna’s friends rallied to her cause, with Berkeley genetics professor Michael Eisen calling Lander “an evil genius at the height of his craft.” He felt Lander’s piece was a hatchet job aimed to win Zhang the Nobel Prize and Broad an insanely lucrative patent. However, Isaacson posits that Lander’s motives may have been protectiveness of Zhang, his mentee. Women scientists saw Lander’s article as a Rosalind Franklin moment redux, an attempt to wash out the contribution of an important woman in science.


Chapter 31 Summary: “Patents”

When Zhang and the Broad Institute beat Doudna, Charpentier, and Chylinski’s patent application in 2014, Doudna was livid. In his application process, Zhang had unfairly implied that Doudna plagiarized Church’s preprint, an accusation Church categorically refuted. Further, Doudna felt it was her team that had actually discovered how CRISPR-Cas9 worked. From then on, figuring out how to transport the system in other cells was obvious. Another puzzling aspect of Zhang and Broad’s patent application was the ouster of Luciano Marraffini, Zhang’s collaborator.

Since Doudna’s application was still languishing at the Patent Office, she could request (within an year of Zhang’s patent) a contesting “interference” hearing. Doudna filed her interference claim in 2015, stating that though her team’s experiments were on bacteria, her application had clearly mentioned the CRISPR-Cas9 mechanism could be carried over to other organisms. Thus, Zhang’s claim “interfered” with hers. Moreover, this transition to human cells was obvious, not inventive. Zhang argued that the transition was not obvious: Bringing CRISPR-Cas9 into human cells required an extra inventive step, which was why he and Broad deserved to patent the technology for human use. The hearing for the contested patents began in December 2016. Doudna’s lawyer argued that since five labs had made CRISPR-Cas9 transition into human cells, this proved Zhang’s invention was obvious.

The three-judge panel rejected Doudna’s claim in February 2017, declaring Zhang’s patent inventive and original. Doudna took her case to the federal courts, which sided with the patent board. Yet, since the patent board had thrown out the possibility of “interference,” Doudna’s patent application was still valid. In early 2019, Doudna and Charpentier’s patent was accepted, existing in parallel to the Zhang-Broad patent. By now, Doudna had a powerhouse new lawyer named Edora Ellison, who was trained in both biotech and law. In June 2019, Ellison prodded the patent board into launching another case, this time on deciding which side had made the key discovery first. By late 2020, the case was still dragging on. In hindsight, Doudna’s business partner Andy May believes Doudna sometimes wishes she and Zhang had pooled their inventions instead of fighting prolonged court battles.

Chapters 28-31 Analysis

Chapters 28-31 analyze the increasing bitterness between the CRISPR players. Tellingly, things get worse when the scientists decide to file patents and form companies, raising questions about the usefulness of separate patents. The text suggests that scientists with similar technologies should consider pooling their intellectual property rather than engaging in protracted legal battles.

Doudna’s decision to join and then quit Editas Medicine echoes of her misadventure with Genentech. After feeling uncomfortable in a male-dominated culture, Doudna again ends up partnering with people she trusts, such as Haurwitz and Marraffini. Doudna’s detour reveals crucial aspects of her character: She sometimes acts against her instincts and is slow to trust people. Isaacson links Doudna’s misgivings about people to her experience being bullied as a child in Hilo. Doudna’s decision to join forces with Zhang and Church is contrasted with Charpentier’s stance. Openly and resolutely against allying with the “Bostonmen,” Charpentier breaks off from the group early. Thus, Charpentier is presented as more individualistic and resolute, a quality that is reflected in her life choices. The fact that both Charpentier and Doudna felt uncomfortable around the Boston group of male scientists suggests that women scientists must write their own stories and create their own spaces.

This section also examines the falling out between Doudna and Charpentier. Doudna’s decision to form Intellia Therapeutics rather than join Charpentier drives this rift further. The two women continue to be seen as polar opposites by the male scientists around them, which is apparent in accounts of how they dealt with publicity. While Doudna seems comfortable with acclaim, Charpentier seems amused and condescending. According to Charpentier’s friend Novak, unlike Doudna, the Frenchwoman is more focused on the science than the hype. However, according to Barrangou, the blame for the rift lies more with Charpentier, who seems resistant to sharing credit for her collaborations. Isaacson thinks all such views are just projections; Doudna and Charpentier’s falling out may boil down to something as basic as a difference in personalities. Further, like all human beings, both see themselves as the heroes of their saga, in this case the CRISPR-Cas9 story. One way this plays out in the Doudna-Charpentier narrative is through the role of tracrRNA, for which their 2012 paper was feted. Charpentier tends to drop the fact that it was she who discovered tracrRNA in 2011. This annoys Doudna, who she feels she and Charpentier discovered the real significance of tracrRNA together.

However one looks at it, there is undoubtedly an undercurrent of sexism among some scientists, particularly against Doudna. It is often extremely competitive male scientists who charge Doudna with extreme ambition. One example of this is Eric Lander and his 2016 paper, which minimized Doudna’s role in the CRISPR story. It can be argued that scientists like Lander subconsciously believe competition is a male domain; women like Doudna breaching the bastion is seen as an appropriating threat. Yet Lander is careful to credit Charpentier for her achievements, which suggests that his critique of Doudna also has something to do with the US-based rivalry between her and Zhang. Further, it is important to note that Doudna appears more ambitious than Charpentier, making her supposed transgression into male spaces more obvious.

In Chapter 31, the text examines the origin of patents and raises important points around their applicability in biological sciences. People have wrangled over patents since the first patent law, passed in the Republic of Venice in 1474, gave an inventor the sole right to profit from their inventions for a limited period of time. However, the book raises several questions about this process. How does one prove an invention is unique enough, and by which standards should a technology be deemed obvious or nonobvious? These categories are even fuzzier when it comes to patenting biological processes. For instance, CRISPR-Cas9 is inspired by a natural process that has occurred for millennia. Should such a process be patented? Isaacson’s view is circumspect: Patents may be useful at times, but they also stymy the widespread dissemination of technology. He suggests that technology should be democratized, a theme that is further developed in later chapters. Academics like Michael Eisen share a similar view, believing that patents should not lie with affiliated universities, as is the case for scientific inventions made by researchers in the United States. Rather, they should be put in the public domain so all may benefit.

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