54 pages 1 hour read

Edith Eva Eger

The Choice: Embrace the Possible

Nonfiction | Biography | Adult | Published in 2017

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Part 4, Chapters 20-23

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Part 4: “Healing”

Chapter 20 Summary: “The Dance of Freedom”

Edie tells the story of Jun and Ling—a couple whose marriage is torn apart by alcohol. Ling blames her husband for his heavy drinking, and Ling’s complaining wearies Jun. Edie helps them realize that they allow the other’s actions to control their happiness rather than letting their own desires drive their actions. The story ends with their marriage improved, but Jun still drinks, and thus they don’t eliminate the potential for disaster. Edie remarks that no one can eliminate the possibility of future suffering, but “there’s also the opportunity to find a way to suffer less, to choose happiness, which requires taking responsibility for yourself” (245).

Edie describes a second relationship, between Elise and Todd. Elise falls hard for Todd, and after the relationship goes well initially, she starts feeling insecure. She does Todd’s homework to help him maintain his basketball scholarship, making herself indispensable to him. Todd sleeps with another girl and ends the relationship with Elise. While they are separated, Elise continues to do Todd’s homework. Elise and Todd resume dating, and eventually they stop attending therapy. Edie later receives two graduation announcements with specific thanks: Elise stopped doing Todd’s homework, which ended the relationship, and she recognizes that she doesn’t need to settle; Todd, after the initial anger passed, took responsibility over his own academics and life.