102 pages 3 hours read

April Henry

The Body in the Woods: A Point Last Seen Mystery

Fiction | Novel | YA | Published in 2014

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Answer Key

Chapters 1-8

Reading Check

1. Her mother (Chapter 1)

2. She has been strangled. (Chapter 6)

3. Bran Dawson (Chapter 8)

Short Answer

1. They are the three newest volunteers with the least experience. (Chapter 2)

2. Nick’s father was in the army and died serving his country; Nick wants to be brave like him. Nick believes he would fit in better in the army, where he would be judged for his courage and strength rather than treated with suspicion because he is biracial. (Chapter 4)

3. Ruby says that there are three of them and that the killer cannot attack them without making a noise, so they should be safe. (Chapter 7)

Chapters 9-19

Reading Check

1. The killer’s (Chapter 9)

2. Bran (Chapter 11)

3. Cameras (Chapter 19)

Short Answer

1. Ruby is very observant, has an excellent memory for detail, and makes logical deductions about what she sees. (Chapter 10)

2. Ruby’s parents struggle to accept her for who she is, and they are worried that search and rescue reinforces Ruby’s preoccupation with death.

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