102 pages 3 hours read

April Henry

The Body in the Woods: A Point Last Seen Mystery

Fiction | Novel | YA | Published in 2014

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Exam Questions

Multiple Choice and Long Answer questions create ideal opportunities for whole-text review, unit exam, or summative assessments.

Multiple Choice

1. Which of the main characters best understands the lives of the unhoused young women the killer is targeting?

A) Nick

B) Ruby

C) Bran

D) Alexis

2. Which of the main characters is the most insecure about their courage?

A) Alexis

B) Bran

C) Nick

D) Ruby

3. Which of the main characters is the most observant and detail-oriented?

A) Ruby

B) Nick

C) Alexis

D) Bran

4. Which of the main characters is the best at understanding people’s feelings?

A) Bran

B) Alexis

C) Ruby

D) Nick

5. Which thematic motif is most clearly supported by the details of the main characters’ search and rescue training, the fire George maintains, and Ruby’s behavior after she realizes Becker is the killer?

A) The need to belong

B) The drive to survive

C) The search for identity

D) The value of friendship

6. Which is the most reasonable interpretation of the symbolic value of the woods as a setting in this novel?

A) The woods are a wild and dangerous place that outsiders and misfits are naturally drawn to.

B) The woods are a healing and welcoming place where people can escape their problems.

C) The woods are a place of challenges and opportunities beyond those found in normal, daily life.

D) The woods are a lawless place where the smartest and strongest can face off against one another.

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