99 pages 3 hours read

Toni Morrison

The Bluest Eye

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 1970

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Answer Key


Reading Check

1. The house is “pretty” and is green and white with a red door. (Foreword)

2. Happy, dressed in red, and wanting to play (Foreword)

3.  Marigolds (Prologue)

4. As a “plot of black dirt” (Prologue)

Short Answer

1. The source of the text beginning, “Here is the house,” is the Dick and Jane early reading series. (Foreword)

2. “Here is the house” repeats three times on the pages. Each time the spacing between the words is reduced. (Foreword)

3. Claudia and Frieda attribute the lack of growth to the fact that Pecola is pregnant with her father’s baby. (Prologue)

4. The novel’s purpose is to explain “how” the fall of 1941 becomes a season of death. (Prologue)


Reading Check

1. Mr. Henry and Pecola (Autumn)

2. White baby dolls (Autumn)

3. Shirley Temple and Jane Withers (Autumn)

4. Because she drank three quarts of milk (Autumn)

Short Answer

1. Being “put out” means that you have people and some other place to go. Being “put outdoors” means that you have nowhere to go. (Autumn)


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