99 pages 3 hours read

Toni Morrison

The Bluest Eye

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 1970

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Exam Questions

Multiple Choice and Long Answer questions create ideal opportunities for whole-book review, unit exam, or summative assessments.

Multiple Choice

1. How do Miss Marie, China, and Poland contrast with the other characters of Lorain?

A) They practice sexual abuse on their customers.

B) They engage in self-hatred over their culture.

C) They love themselves and seem to enjoy their lives.

D) They feel shame over their condition.

2. Why is the name Breedlove ironic?

A) The family does not multiply love.

B) The family does not love anything.

C) The family loves only material things.

D) The family loves white families.

3. Why do Claudia and Frieda like Mr. Henry when he moves in?

A) He is the only adult who shares their love of movies.

B) He is the only adult who shows them kindness.

C) He is the only adult who likes China and Miss Marie.

D) He is the only adult who thinks it’s ok to skip church.

4. What does the blue and white Shirley Temple cup symbolize?

A) It symbolizes an act of kindness between Frieda and Pecola.

B) It symbolizes the sophistication of using cups.

C) It symbolizes the silliness of white people.

D) It symbolizes an unreachable standard of beauty.

5. When the boys taunt Pecola in the schoolyard, what part of the teasing upsets her most?

A) Her daddy’s sleeping habits

B) Her Blackness

C) Her misunderstanding

D) Her vulnerability

6. Why do Claudia and Frieda alternately hate and love Maureen?

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By Toni Morrison