99 pages 3 hours read

Toni Morrison

The Bluest Eye

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 1970

A modern alternative to SparkNotes and CliffsNotes, SuperSummary offers high-quality Study Guides with detailed chapter summaries and analysis of major themes, characters, and more. For select classroom titles, we also provide Teaching Guides with discussion and quiz questions to prompt student engagement.


Use this activity to engage all types of learners, while requiring that they refer to and incorporate details from the text over the course of the activity.

“Defining Beauty”

In this activity, students will create collages that explore their perceptions of “beauty” and present them to the class.

Beauty is often tied to identity in The Bluest Eye. Consider your definition of “beautiful” and the factors that have led you to this definition. What has influenced you to define beauty this way?

  • Write down your definition of beauty and the factors that have influenced you.
  • Create a collage with pictures and words that visually represent your definition.
  • Prepare a brief 1-minute presentation showcasing your collage and definition of beauty.
  • As a class, discuss society’s expectations for beauty. What words or images are a common thread between society’s definition of beauty and the images and words from the presentations? Are there words or images that stand out? Why?
  • Then, as a class, develop a replacement definition for beauty that includes all ages, sexes, races, and abilities.

Teaching Suggestion: It may be useful to have various magazines and other print media available for students to use for their collages. For in-class discussion, it may be helpful to create a two-column chart on the board for students to find similarities and differences in the ideas presented.

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By Toni Morrison