49 pages 1 hour read

Roger Lancelyn Green

The Adventures of Robin Hood

Fiction | Novel | Middle Grade | Published in 1956

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Chapter 19-Epilogue

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 19 Summary: “The Last of Guy of Gisborne”

On a spring morning, Robin wakes up from a strange dream where two foresters beat him and take his bow. Taking the dream as an omen, he tells his men to be on guard as he goes out to try and find the two foresters he dreamed about. They find a man, and Little John proposes to confront him to protect Robin, but Robin refuses, as he is the one who is meant to lead his band, not follow them. Frustrated, Little John leaves Robin behind, only to find two members of their band dead on the road. Will Scarlet runs toward him then, pursued by Sir Guy and the Sheriff’s men. One of them, William Trent, kills Will Scarlet with an arrow. Then, the Sheriff captures Little John and drags him away. Meanwhile, Robin speaks with the forester, who seeks Robin himself to allegedly serve him. Robin tests him with a shooting contest of the Sherwood mark, a slim hazel wand. The forester reveals himself as Sir Guy of Gisborne, and though he wants to shoot Robin down with an arrow, Robin appeals to his honor and asks that they have a sword match instead. Sir Guy initially refuses, but Robin forces him to draw his sword.

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