43 pages 1 hour read

Nick Hornby


Fiction | Novel | YA | Published in 2007

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Chapters 14-20

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 14 Summary

Sam is skating when his mum appears and tells him that Alicia is in labor. Sam rushes to Alicia’s house, disappointed that he hasn’t missed the event and dreading the possibility of Alicia giving birth on the way to the hospital. When Sam gets to Alicia’s house, she is upstairs in the bath, and he hardly recognizes her. It has been months since he has seen her naked, and she looks as if she’s “going to burst” (232). Alicia is scared and swears at Sam. Alicia’s mum, Andrea, takes them to the hospital and stays there throughout the process as Sam looks on, clueless about what to do. The nurse suggests putting on music to relax Alicia, but none of the music they chose seems appropriate now. Andrea puts on her own CD of calming classical music and jazz, which works surprisingly well. Alicia is in labor for a long time, and when she falls asleep for a while, Andrea asks Sam if any part of him is glad about the pregnancy. It took her time to come to terms with it, but she now admits that she looks forward to spending so many years with her grandson.

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By Nick Hornby