89 pages 2 hours read

Leigh Bardugo

Shadow and Bone

Fiction | Novel | YA | Published in 2012

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Power, Belonging, and Self-Acceptance

Power can be frightening and isolating. Having grown up an orphan, Alina craves a place to belong. Alina’s journey to accept herself and her power, although it makes her different from others, is central to the novel.

Power is a tangible, living thing in Shadow and Bone. Power feeds the Grisha with strength, long life, and beauty. However, Alina’s power sets her apart from her only friend, Mal. Alina’s desire to be like the others and her fear that the Grisha Examiners will separate her from Mal drive her to repress her power. Alina’s power frightens her, so she hides from it. In turn, keeping the power repressed consumes Alina’s energy. She grows up exhausted and weak. Her senses are dulled, food tastes like “mud,” and she has no appetite. It is a vicious cycle: Starving her power starves herself of her true essence, keeping her weak. Her unique talents are hidden, making her appear average and plain, and she therefore questions her importance and self-worth, only furthering her need to belong.

When Alina joins the Grisha, she begins to see power as something to be desired. Power seductively oozes from the Darkling. His touch draws Alina’s power forward, a “call, pure and compelling, demanding an answer” (106).

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