89 pages 2 hours read

Leigh Bardugo

Shadow and Bone

Fiction | Novel | YA | Published in 2012

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Chapters 8-10

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 8 Summary

The next morning, Alina marvels over her blue kefta. At breakfast, two Summoners named Marie and Nadia show Alina to the Etherealki table. They dine on foods like plums and sugar, rarities in the rest of Ravka, as well as “hearty peasant fare” to remind the Grisha they are “real Ravkans” (124)—a laughable sentiment when surrounded by luxury.

After breakfast, Genya shows Alina around the Little Palace. In the Fabrikators’ workrooms, a Materialki named David shows Alina custom-made metal discs for her use in combat. Genya has a crush on David, although he does not seem to notice her beauty.

Genya next shows Alina to a hut further away in the woods for her first lesson. Alina enters the hut and meets Baghra, an ancient and notoriously cruel teacher, and finds Baghra lives up to her intimidating reputation.

Chapter 9 Summary

Baghra tries to make Alina use her power. Like the Darkling, Baghra is an amplifier, and Alina’s power works with Baghra’s help. However, despite harsh tactics, Alina’s powers remain dormant on her own.

Next is combat training. The teacher, Botkin Yul-Erdene, “wasn’t Grisha; he was a former Shu Han mercenary who had fought in wars on every continent for any army that could afford his particular gift for violence” (138).

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