89 pages 2 hours read

Leigh Bardugo

Shadow and Bone

Fiction | Novel | YA | Published in 2012

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Chapters 17-19

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 17 Summary

Alina informs Mal of the Darkling’s plans. Mal is now in danger, too. He has both committed treason and defied the Darkling, with death a likely punishment. Mal decides to lead them north to track the stag. Reaching the stag before the Darkling is their best chance of stopping him as it would allow Alina to fashion an amplifier for herself only she controls.

They travel for days, stopping in a village for supplies. The village people are gathered to celebrate “butter week,” a joyful time when nobles visit their people to hand out food. For Alina and Mal, butter week was a cherished time at the orphanage, and they decide to risk joining the crowds to partake in the celebration. Down in the village, two men try to rob Alina and Mal. The men realize Mal is a deserter and threaten to sell this information. Alina reflects light into the robbers’ eyes. Mal and Alina fight their way free, then run. Alina and Mal keep traveling, more cautious knowing the robbers have likely alerted the army to Alina and Mal’s location. Despite their narrow escape and the risk they face, the moments between Alina and Mal are tender as their connection grows.

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