89 pages 2 hours read

Leigh Bardugo

Shadow and Bone

Fiction | Novel | YA | Published in 2012

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Chapters 14-16

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 14 Summary

The Grisha prepare for the King’s winter fete, where Summoners will perform a demonstration for Os Alta’s elite. Alina is excited for the fete and nervous to see the Darkling after their kiss. While Genya helps Alina get ready, servants arrive with packages for Alina. Inside is a new kefta made of black silk, with an eclipsed sun charm hanging from the neckline. The Darkling’s symbol and signature color set Alina apart from other Grisha. Although Alina declined wearing the Darkling’s color before, after the kiss she is thrilled by his attention. Genya warns Alina to be careful “[o]f powerful men” (209).

At the fete, the Grisha mingle amongst the Ravka nobles. Alina watches the Summoner demonstration. When it is Alina’s turn to perform, the Darkling joins her. They put on a magnificent light show, with shadow and light dancing through the room. The nobles proclaim it a miracle. The Darkling leads Alina to a sitting room and kisses her with desire and anger—anger because he is kissing Alina when he should be discussing Morozova’s herd with his men. He confesses: “The problem with wanting [...] is that it makes us weak” (221).

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