89 pages 2 hours read

Leigh Bardugo

Shadow and Bone

Fiction | Novel | YA | Published in 2012

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Chapter 20-Epilogue

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 20 Summary

The group travels to the camp at Kribirsk, with Alina and Mal under guard. The Grisha are waiting for Alina’s arrival in Kribirsk. The other Grisha don’t know Alina ran away. They think she has been “in seclusion, preparing” to cross the Fold “with prayer and rest” (314). The Darkling warns Alina not to share the true reason she was gone, or else he will torture Mal.

Alina is kept in a private, guarded tent as they wait to cross the Fold. Alina dreams of the stag’s death every night. The dreams seem to be a message, although she can’t decode it. After a few days, Genya visits Alina, explaining the King has fallen ill and the Apparat is ruling in his place. The Darkling despises serving the King, and with the King out of the way, the Darkling is more unstoppable. Genya is wearing a new kefta, in Corporalki red instead of servants’ colors. It’s implied Genya assisted in bringing down the King. Genya has heard the rumors about the Darkling’s plans and trusts he is only doing what is necessary. Other Grisha believe this as well, thinking the Darkling knows the best way for peace, regardless of his methods.

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