66 pages 2 hours read

Richard Wagamese

Ragged Company

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 2008

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Character Analysis

Amelia “One For The Dead” One Sky

One of the book’s five narrators and main characters, Amelia “One For The Dead” One Sky is an Ojibway woman who began living on the street as a young adult when she experienced immense grief and loss after the deaths of her brothers, her parents, and eventually her lover. After years of substance use, begging, and sex work, Amelia finally stopped drinking when “the shadowed ones” began visiting her. She recognizes that her life’s purpose is to live among people without homes and help them in whatever way she can.

Amelia is inherently spiritual, as reflected even in her “rounder” name: “One For The Dead,” which is derived from her practice of pouring out the first drops from a fresh bottle of alcohol in honor of the dead. Having grown up in the Ojibway way, the stories and teachings from these traditions constantly provide her with a lens through which she views the world. This gives her a sense of equanimity despite the changes and overwhelming experiences that she and the group face together. Amelia’s spiritual side is also evident in how accepting she is of the “shadowed one” appearing in her life. She doesn’t fear it; rather, she trusts it to guide her through life.

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By Richard Wagamese