79 pages 2 hours read

Vikas Swarup

Q & A

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 2005

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Differences in Social Class

The differences between the upper and lower classes is a foundational theme of the novel. Although the plot is centered around Thomas winning a billion rupees, for most of the novel Thomas lives in poverty while observing the decadence of the wealthy. Not only does Thomas face constant injustice at the hands of the wealthy, from being falsely arrested to being treated like a second-class citizen and, often, virtually subhuman, there is a larger commentary about how wealth influences every facet of life in India. Wealth has the ability to imprison, as seen in the beginning of the novel when the producers have the cops falsely arrest Thomas; and wealth can buy freedom, as demonstrated at the end of the novel, when Thomas uses some of his winnings to free Lajwanti from jail and Nita from the brothel. 

Thomas makes it clear that “with money you can have power over the minds of others” (316). This is most explicitly shown through the quiz show itself, with the program dictating the kinds and types of knowledge necessary in order to advance to the next round, and thereby grow wealthier. Throughout the novel, Thomas is constantly searching for his identity in relation to the wealthy people around him.

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